:: FAQ

How to register for the conference?

The registration process is completely online and is done through the following address:


How many papers will be accepted from each person?

Each person can submit a maximum of 3 papers as the corresponding author for the conference.

How the papers will be presented in the conference?

Papers will be presented orally  and On the day of the conference, according to the announcement table, the corresponding author will be ready for questions and answers.

How many reviewers will review the paper?

Each paper will be sent to 2 reviewers related to your chosen field of research. If one of the reviewers accepts the paper and the other reviewer rejects the paper, the paper will be referred to the third reviewer; Each paper must be accepted by 2 reviews to be accepted in the conference.

What is the maximum reviewing time?

The maximum reviewing time is 5 working days and the referee is required to announce the answer to the papers, if the paper is needed to be revised or rejected, the reason for rejecting the paper or corrections will be announced to the responsible author.

Do I have to deposit money at the same time as submitting the paper?

No, there is no need to deposit money when submitting the paper, and you must make a deposit after your paper is accepted.

What is the maximum deposit time for registration?

The deposit time is from the time of accepting the paper to 10 days before the event, but it is recommended  that for further coordination, accelerattoion of the executive affairs of the conference secretariat and preparation of the certificates and print of the e-book, researchers register quickly and do not postpone the last days.

Is it possible to return the registration fee after registration and acceptance of the paper?

No, note that before depositing, the corresponding author is responsible to inform all the authors During the registration, after depositing the registration fee, there is no possibility of refund (return and refund of the registration fee) and the corresponding author has no right to object, so be careful and have enough coordination to register and deposit money.

How and where are the papers indexed?

Persian articles in:

Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), CIVILICA

English articles in:

Selected articles will be published in IEEE after evaluation and approval by IEEE reviewer.

Are the papers published in full or as an abstract?

Since the publication of abstracts of papers is not awarded any points, the conference secretariat publishes all accepted and approved papers by the scientific committee in full text and in full in the electronic booklet of the collection of papers.

How to register for the workshops?

Registration in training workshops is done completely virtually and from within the user panel.

Will the workshops be certified?

Yes, all workshops of the 9th Iranian National Conference on Radar and Surveillance systems will be certified.

Is it possible to attend programms and meetings without registering for the conference?

No, in order to attend specialized programs and meetings, you must register for the conference.

Location of University


Important Dates

Conference Date:
November 12, 2024
November 13, 2024

Conference registration Deadline:
November 05, 2024

Full paper submission Deadline:
September 03, 2024

Initial Notification of paper Acceptance:
October 06, 2024

Conference Registration Deadline:
October 22, 2024

Sending and announcing the results of the briefing plan of the workshop:
October 22, 2024
