:: Paper Writing Guidelines

Please pay attention to the following points before registering and submitting each paper:
1.  First, download the Paper Writing Guidelines at the bottom of the page and save it on your system.
2. Then copy the text of your paper and paste it in the related place.
3.  It is necessary to save the abstract of your paper in both word and pdf as well as in zip format on one of the drives of your computer system and similarly, save the original papers in the same way.
4. When converting files to zip, please close all pdf and word files on the system so that your file does not encounter any problems.
Persian Papers
  • Apply revisions requested by the respected reviewers (if any) in the final version of the paper.
  • Preparation of the paper in the final format introduced by the conference (requires Office version 2013 onwards):
English Papers
  • Apply revisions requested by the respected reviewers (if any) in the final version of the Paper.
  • Preparation of the paper in the final format introduced by the conference: Note the copyright text in the footer of the first page © 2021 IEEE and the name of the conference in the header (8th Iranian National Conference on Radar and Surveillance Systems) and do not number the pages.
English Paper Template
  • Use the IEEE PDF eXpress system to convert the paper to pdf format and get the confirmation of the paper format. (IEEE PDF eXpress User Guide)
  • Name the pdf and word version of the paper as paper_ID, which is the ID of the paper in the conference system that is assigned to each paper at the time of submission (for the pdf version, IEEE PDF eXpress output must be used).
  • Create a zip file containing the word and pdf file of the paper and upload it to the user system in the final file section of the paper. If the paper is prepared in latex format, the content folder of latex files is named as paper_ID and along with the pdf file approved by IEEE PDF eXpress, it is compressed as a zip and uploaded to the system.
  • Completing the IEEE Copyright Form: In the coming days, an email will be sent by the IEEE for each accepted paper to the corresponding author who must complete and approve the copyright form according to the instructions given. It is enough to complete and confirm the copyright form and there is no need to send it to the conference.
    Paper Template
  • Matching the language of the paper, the title of the paper (unless requested to change by the referee) as well as the composition and order of the authors in the final version compared to the original version is essential.
  • The paper will not be indexed in the IEEE if the paper is not reviewed and approved by IEEE PDF eXpress, the copyright form is not completed and the paper is not presented at the conference.
  • Because papers are identified in terms of similarity before being submitted to the IEEE,  paper will not be submitted to the IEEE for indexing if the overall similarity percentage of one paper is more than 30% or its similarity to another paper is more than 10%.
  • If at any stage, the occurrence of research fraud or misconduct in connection with the paper is proven, the paper is removed from the conference program and collection of papers, the consequences of this issue will be borne by the authors of the paper.

Location of University


Important Dates

Conference Date:
November 12, 2024
November 13, 2024

Conference registration Deadline:
November 05, 2024

Full paper submission Deadline:
September 03, 2024

Initial Notification of paper Acceptance:
October 06, 2024

Conference Registration Deadline:
October 22, 2024

Sending and announcing the results of the briefing plan of the workshop:
October 22, 2024
