:: Contact Us

Address:  Shahid Sattari University of Aeronautical Engineering, Shamshiri Ave, Safari Ave, Fath Sq, Tehran, Iran
Email: Radar2024@ssau.ac.ir
Phone Number: (+98) 2166636889

Fax: (+98) 2166693442
Postal Code: 1384663113

Location of University


Important Dates

Conference Date:
November 12, 2024
November 13, 2024

Conference registration Deadline:
November 05, 2024

Full paper submission Deadline:
September 03, 2024

Initial Notification of paper Acceptance:
October 06, 2024

Conference Registration Deadline:
October 22, 2024

Sending and announcing the results of the briefing plan of the workshop:
October 22, 2024
